This month's tip

The summer holiday season has started. Whether it is backyard cricket, beach rugby or just getting up and down decorating your house, accidents can happen. If you have sustained a soft tissue injury, we recommend you use the RICE method – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation to aid your recovery:


  • Rest is a key component to the body’s healing process, without it the injured area could become inflamed, more painful, or you could risk further injury
  • Ice reduces inflammation and pain. To protect your skin we recommend that the ice be placed within a towel before wrapping around the injured area
  • Compression helps reduce swelling and pain
  • Elevation also helps reduce swelling by reducing blood flow to the affected area


Once you have followed RICE, as above, please give us a call and find out how physiotherapy can help you.

This month's tip

20 REASONS TO EXERCISE When your physiotherapist suggests some exercise would be good for you, have you ever stopped to think why? Consider no longer, listed below are the many benefits gained by some regular exercise 1. Reduces your risk of getting heart disease 2. Increases circulating levels of ‘good’ cholesterol 3. Improves the likelihood […]

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