This month's tip

When your physiotherapist suggests some exercise would be good for you, have you ever stopped to think why?
Consider no longer, listed below are the many benefits gained by some regular exercise
1. Reduces your risk of getting heart disease
2. Increases circulating levels of ‘good’ cholesterol
3. Improves the likelihood of survival of a myocardial infarction (heart attack)
4. Helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis
5. Reduces medical and health care expenses
6. Increases muscle strength
7. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer
8. Helps relieve constipation
9. Helps preserve lean body tissue (especially important in older people)
10. Improves mental cognition in older people
11. Improves balance and coordination
12. Helps retard bone loss as you age
13. Helps older people maintain an independent lifestyle
14. Helps to boost creativity
15. Improves your decision making abilities
16. Reduces the risk of developing prostate and breast cancers
17. Helps to increase the tissue responses to insulin, for better control of blood sugar in diabetes
18. Helps you to more effectively manage stress & anxiety
19. Helps alleviate depression
20. Improves the function of your immune system

So get up and get active! It doesn’t have to be hard, walking is great. Try get to the stage where you are a bit puffed but can still hold a conversation, and if you can do more than that, that’s fantastic. If you are unsure as to how to start, or what to do, your physiotherapist can help advise you.Active-People_1

This month's tip

The summer holiday season has started. Whether it is backyard cricket, beach rugby or just getting up and down decorating your house, accidents can happen. If you have sustained a soft tissue injury, we recommend you use the RICE method – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation to aid your recovery:   Rest is a key component […]

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